Antonin and Ignatio founded Pendhapa Atelier together in 2019. Antonin grew up in France and Ignatio comes from Indonesia. It is their radically different cultural background and their fascination for local craftsmanship that motivated them to start a buisness together.

Both architects by training, they met at the Architectural Association in London while completing their master’s degree in Architecture. Prior to starting Pendhapa Atelier, Antonin and Ignatio were both part of international architectural design practices on projects in the USA, Europe and Asia.

As they bring together an architectural understanding of space to the scale of furniture, they intend to rethink the way furniture is designed today by anchoring the pieces in context, both materially and culturally.

L'Atelier est un studio de design contemporain et innovant qui souhaite redéfinir l'artisanat indonésien en utilisant un design technologique de pointe avec des techniques ancestrales afin de créer des pièces de mobilier intemporelles.

«Fusing together contemporary culture with traditional techniques and raw materials, Pendhapa generates innovative forms.»

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